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The Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT)

The Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT), Australia

The Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT)

The Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) is a specialized mental health service that provides immediate support and intervention to individuals in crisis situations. CATT teams are typically comprised of mental health professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and nurses, who are trained to respond to and assess acute mental health crises.

This article is provided by Harmony Home and community care is one of the top NDIS Service provider in Melbourne, Australia.

Purpose of CATT Team

The primary purpose of CATT (Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team) Team is to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals experiencing a Mental Health Crisis. The team aims to promptly assess the severity of the crisis, provide appropriate treatment, and help individuals get the support they need to recover and prevent further deterioration.



The Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) plays an important role in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) by providing crisis support and intervention for individuals with mental health needs. While there might not be specific literature available that directly outlines the role of CATT within the NDIS, we can draw on general knowledge about the functions of CATT Teams and their relevance to individuals under the NDIS.

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CATT NDIS Teams in Werribee, Melbourne, Australia are designed to respond to urgent mental health crises and provide immediate support 24/7. They are equipped to assist individuals experiencing symptoms such as psychotic episodes, self-harm, suicidal thoughts, or feelings of being out of control. These crisis situations can arise from various factors, including pre-existing mental health conditions or someone’s first experience of mental illness.

Regarding the NDIS, it primarily focuses on providing support and services to individuals with disabilities. While mental health conditions are not the main focus of the NDIS, individuals with psychosocial disabilities, which may include severe mental health conditions, can be eligible for NDIS support if their disability significantly impacts their functional capacity. In such cases, CATT teams might be involved in providing crisis assessment and intervention as part of the overall support plan for individuals with mental health needs under the NDIS.

It is important to note that the specific role and integration of CATT Teams within the NDIS may vary depending on the jurisdiction and local mental health service arrangements. As the NDIS operates in a variety of regions across Australia, the coordination and collaboration between CATT teams and the NDIS may differ.

This highlights the significance of local referral pathways and inter-agency collaboration to ensure individuals receive appropriate support and care.

Key Functions of CATT

Function 1: Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team

Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team is a fundamental function of CATT Teams, aimed at gathering crucial information and understanding the severity of the crisis. This assessment allows mental health professionals to make informed decisions regarding appropriate treatment and support. Here are three subheadings under this key function:

  • 1.1 Gathering Information and History

During crisis assessments, CATT professionals gather comprehensive information about the individual’s history, symptoms, and any factors contributing to the crisis. This may include exploring past mental health conditions, previous crises, or any relevant traumatic experiences.

  • 1.2 Risk Evaluation and Safety Assessment

CATT teams in Werribee, Melbourne, Australia carefully evaluate the level of risk to the individual in crisis and others around them. They assess the potential for self-harm, harm to others, or deteriorating mental health. Conducting safety assessments forms a crucial part of the crisis assessment process.

  • 1.3 Psychiatric Diagnosis and Formulating Treatment Plans

Based on the assessment, CATT professionals strive to make accurate psychiatric diagnoses, understanding the specific mental health condition(s) the individual is facing. This information enables them to formulate appropriate, individualized treatment plans to address the crisis effectively.

Function 2: Risk Management

Managing the risk associated with mental health crises is another key function of CATT. This involves implementing strategies to mitigate harm and ensure the safety and well-being of individuals in crisis. Here are three subheadings under this key function:

  • 2.1 Crisis Intervention and De-escalation Techniques

CATT professionals are trained in crisis intervention and de-escalation techniques, enabling them to effectively manage crisis situations. Through verbal de-escalation, assessment of immediate risk, and calming techniques, they aim to stabilize the situation and reduce the risk of harm.

  • 2.2 Safety Planning and Crisis Prevention

CATT teams work with individuals and their support network to develop safety plans that include strategies for managing future crises. These plans identify potential triggers, coping mechanisms, and provide guidance on seeking help and support when needed. Safety plans are crucial for crisis prevention and ongoing management.

  • 2.3 Coordinating with Other Services and Professionals

CATT professionals collaborate with other healthcare professionals, such as emergency departments, police, or community mental health teams, to ensure coordinated and comprehensive care. This collaboration facilitates the effective management of risk and provides a continuum of support beyond initial crisis intervention.

Function 3: Treatment Planning and Intervention

CATT teams focus on providing individuals with appropriate and timely interventions to address their mental health crises. Here are three subheadings under this key function:

  • 3.1 Immediate Psychological Support and Counselling

CATT professionals offer immediate psychological support and counselling, providing individuals an opportunity to express their emotions and concerns. They employ evidence-based therapeutic techniques to address immediate distress and build coping strategies.

  • 3.2 Medication Management and Prescribing

In some cases, medication may be necessary to alleviate acute symptoms and stabilize the individual’s mental health. CATT professionals, often psychiatrists, can prescribe and manage medications as part of the treatment plan. Regular monitoring and adjustment of medication is essential to ensure optimal care.

  • 3.3 Referrals to Ongoing Mental Health Services

CATT teams Melbourne Australia actively engage in facilitating ongoing support beyond the initial crisis intervention. They connect individuals to appropriate mental health services, such as outpatient therapy, community support programs, or peer support groups. Referrals to specialized services may also be made for individuals requiring more intensive or longer-term care.

Crisis Resolution and Support

CATT teams work collaboratively with individuals in crisis, their families, and other involved healthcare professionals to facilitate crisis resolution and ongoing support. This may involve connecting individuals with community resources, providing psychoeducation, or arranging follow-up appointments to monitor progress and address any ongoing mental health needs.

How to Access CATT Services

Accessing CATT services usually involves contacting a designated crisis hotline or mental health helpline. These helplines are staffed 24/7 and provide immediate access to CATT teams. In some areas, individuals may be able to directly access CATT services through emergency departments or mental health clinics.

The Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) is an essential mental health service that provides immediate support and intervention to individuals in crisis. With their expertise in crisis assessment, risk management, treatment planning, and ongoing support, CATT teams play a vital role in ensuring the well-being and recovery of individuals experiencing acute mental health crises.


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