Office 119 Princes Hwy

Werribee VIC 3030

Phone Number

1300 063 718

NDIS Provider #


NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission

Harmony Homes June 30, 2024 Blog Category The Advantages and disadvantages of NDIS Self-Management The Advantages and disadvantages of NDIS Self-Management The Advantages and disadvantages of NDIS The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia provides support and services to individuals with disabilities to help them achieve their goals and improve their overall quality of […]

The Advantages and disadvantages of NDIS Self-Management

The Advantages and disadvantages of NDIS Self-Management

Harmony Homes June 30, 2024 Blog Category The Advantages and disadvantages of NDIS Self-Management The Advantages and disadvantages of NDIS Self-Management The Advantages and disadvantages of NDIS The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia provides support and services to individuals with disabilities to help them achieve their goals and improve their overall quality of […]

Essential Tips for Independent Living with Core Support NDIS

Essential Tips for Independent Living with Core Support NDIS June 29, 2024 Blog Category Essential Tips for Independent Living with Core Support NDIS Essential Tips for Independent Living with Core Support NDIS Living independently is a fundamental goal for many individuals with disabilities. It allows for greater autonomy, freedom, and a sense of self-determination. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia provides […]

Why Dedicated NDIS Support Coordination Is Necessary

Why Dedicated NDIS Support Coordination Is Necessary

Harmony Homes June 29, 2024 Blog Category Why Dedicated NDIS Support Coordination Is Necessary Why Dedicated NDIS Support Coordination Is Necessary The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia aims to provide support and assistance to individuals with disabilities, enabling them to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. One crucial aspect of the NDIS is […]

Choosing the Right NDIS Supports for Your Needs

Choosing the Right NDIS Supports for Your Needs

Harmony Homes June 29, 2024 Blog Category Choosing the Right NDIS Supports for Your Needs Choosing the Right NDIS Supports for Your Needs The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support and services to Australians living with a disability, with the goal of promoting independence and improving quality of life. One of the key aspects […]

The Top 5 Benefits of Supported Accommodation

The Top 5 Benefits of Supported Accommodation

Harmony Homes June 29, 2024 Blog Category The Top 5 Benefits of Supported Accommodation The Top 5 Benefits of Supported Accommodation Supported accommodation refers to a living arrangement where individuals receive assistance and support to enhance their daily lives. This accommodation option is particularly beneficial for individuals who require additional support due to specific circumstances […]

5 Frequently Asked Questions About Disability Services in Melbourne

Frequently Asked Questions About Disability Services in Melbourne

Harmony Homes May 29, 2024 Blog Category 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Disability Services in Melbourne 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Disability Services in Melbourne Navigating the world of disability services can often be overwhelming, and it’s common to have questions about the available resources. Here are 5 frequently asked questions about disability services in […]

How to Apply for NDIS Funding: A Complete Guide

How to Apply for NDIS Funding: A Complete Guide

Harmony Homes June 28, 2024 Blog Category How to Apply for NDIS Funding: A Complete Guide How to Apply for NDIS Funding: A Complete Guide If you or someone you know is living with a disability, applying for NDIS funding can be a crucial step in accessing the necessary support and services. Here’s a complete […]

Social Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Social Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Harmony Homes May 31, 2024 Blog Category Social Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Social Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Social anxiety, also known as social phobia, is a psychological disorder characterized by an intense fear and anxiety of social situations. Individuals with social anxiety experience extreme distress when they are required to interact with others, […]

Independent Living Skills Resources for NDIS Individuals

Independent Living Skills Resources for NDIS Individuals

Harmony Homes June 4, 2024 Blog Category Independent Living Skills Resources for NDIS Individuals Independent Living Skills Resources for NDIS Individuals Independent Living Skills (ILS) are the skills that enable an individual to take care of themselves and lead an independent life. For individuals with disabilities who are receiving support under the National Disability Insurance […]

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